Friday, April 04, 2008

Iced Ink @ The 400 Bar

Here's a link to the torrent.

Iced Ink

400 Bar
Minneapolis, MN
Saturday March 29th 2008

Taper: empty (neveragain1980 AT yahoo DOT com)
Location: DINish ( cm, ยบ), a hair ROC, ~8' back, ~6.5'^
Source: MBHO 603a + KA200N > Mil Spec Silver Quad customs > UA-5 (BM2p+) > iRiver h120 (Optical @ 16bit 44.1kHz WAV)
Conversion: h120 > USB 2.0 > PC [WAV > TLH lvl 6 + Tested > FLAC]
Edit: CD Wave (tracking) Sound Forge 9.0 (fades)
TRT: 51:38

01. Secret Asian Man
02. The World According To A Drunken Trendy Asshole
03. Stupidface
04. Steve Buscemi Overture
05. Weird Beard Rides Again
06. Buy Me Toys
07. Theme From The Ritardo Montelban Show
08. La Chica
09. This Is What The Fuck Robster Craws Are
10. Pedomorphic Surveillance of an Ambiguous Correspondence
11. I Feel Good, I Feel Great, I Feel Wonderful

Micycle - guitar
Barry - drums
Joe - bass

Check this band out! Great 50 minute set opening for the Paper Chase. Be sure to support these fine fellas, especially if you live in the Twin Cities area.

Iced Ink is/are/am an instrumental surf-jazz-metal guitar - drum - bass - percussion group that are slowly emerging from the snowy bowels of Minneapolis, MN. It spawned in 1998 when Mike (guitar) abandoned all contact with outside musicians for a few years to focus on writing music he wished he was hearing more of in the Twin Cities area that couldn't necessarily be written by just "jamming".

Let's move ahead to July of 2001: Freshly transplanted to the Twin Cities from that one famous music school in Boston full of gifted wankers, VomitGod (drums) along with his wifeperson Sara T. (percussion) were lured in by shameless Iced Ink promotional bait printed on the back of Minneapolis' premier weekly alternative news source, City Pages. He contacted Mike, and 6 months later, Joe Berkman's skillful (and very audible) bass manipulations won the Iced Ink Bassist Pageant to complete the lineup. They bought a colorful bus, were driven around by their mother and manager Reuben to perform to the delight of many screaming fans, and compelled families across the world to tune in every week for a half hour of pure watery comedy and bad lip-synching.

In the spring of 2005, VomitGod and Scara moved back out East which caused Berkman and Mike to search high and low for replacement drums/percussion. Iced Ink fan and CEO of HighTide Music Doug Kasper was kind enough to refer a lovely and talented drummer to them by the name of Barry Knudson. Barry proved to be an eggsellent fit for the band and they are now playing as a boner feed power trio.

In closing, if you obtain a copy of our CD "There's A Bee In Here", "ALIVE!", and/or come out to see us live, you may find yourself wondering: "How come nobody told me weird music that people can't dance or sing to could be this totally bitchin?!!"

The answer, my friends, is ketchup.


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