Friday, October 08, 2010

Mark Mallman Marathon III

Mark Mallman's Marathon III: A 78-hour rock epic.

His performance will include well over 400 pages of lyrics and 75 backup musicians over the course of 4 days. This piece is representative of one of indie rock's unsung heros life's undertaking. This piece is a musical installation of 3 consecutive phases. Each phase is 26 hours long, like a Marathon is 26 miles.

“PHASE I : A Giant Wave”
...“PHASE II : Blood Flow”
“PHASE III: Liquid Moth”

When asked recently if he was planning on setting a world record Mallman stated:

“I am not a magician or a stuntman attempting to set a world record.
I am a professional musician,
who seeks to expose the raw nerve of creativity itself.”

A full schedule of guests and performers will be released a week before the event. A song single from each phase will also be available on line. MARATHON 3 will be recorded on multitrack, and select portions will be released online. The full event will be broadcast live from


Mallman fired things up Thursday afternoon and will be fueling the file through Sunday evening. During this time The Turf Club is open to the public from 12pm to 2am. From 2am-12pm Mallman and associates will likely be playing for Felix, Dave and whichever Midway ghost happens to wander in to check out The Marathon III.

Check out the full schedule of players HERE. Damn! Some of the Twin Cities' finest!

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